2 element
3 element
4 element
5 element
6 element
7 element


2 element
3 element
4 element
5 element
6 element
7 element


2 element

3 element
4 element
5 element
6 element
8 element

1/4 wave (Ground Plane)
1/2 wave
5/8 wave
Bobtail Curtain

3 el Skypper
Hex Beam

Gamma match
RF choke

EZNEC gain battle
(commercial antennas)

Maco M108C
Maco M106C
Maco M104C
Maco M103C

ECO 3 el yagi

Sirio SY 27-4

Signal Eng. 4 el Yagi


PKW 7 el yagi


Dear radio DX friends,

Yagi 6 element, made by Kevin 172 DA 010, with measurements from this web site, www.DX-antentannas.com

Welcome to DX-antennas.com. With this web site,
we like to inform you as much as possible (with the knowledge we have) about antennas.
You can find information here from vertical antennas to loops and from Moxons/Yagis to Quads.
But also wire antennas, bobtail curtains, c-pole and hentenna.
And you will find information on gain, front to back (F/B), beam width, propagation,
height versus take of angle, SWR- bandwidth, stacking and coax demping.

On this web site you will find mostly 11 meter antennas.
But all types of antennas can be changed into the frequency you prefer.
Bigger dimensions could give restriction, depending on your location and /or your neighbors.
And when your neighbors still talk to you, your antenna is to small.

In commercial Yagi and Quad you will find information on the antennas which are
for sale in the market. We compare their prizes, gain, F/B and boom.
You can get a good impression of what gain is truly possible by going
through the antennas on the left hand side of this page and compare this to the given diagram there.

If you want to build your own antenna we can give you the dimensions you need.
Improve the gain and front to back of your existing antenna is possible as well.
On the webpages www.dx4.us and www.HPSD.nl you find more information.
And also prices for complete antenna (kits)

If any question do not hesitate to ask, even in Dutch, German or Spanish.
Our e-mail: info@DX-antennas.com

73's de 30DA016 & 19SD348

Disclaimer: Nothing of the information given on this website may be reproduced without written verification of the author.
All information is for personal use only.If you have commercial interest or want to reproduce the information in any other form please contact us.